I update the blog daily with any shows that I discover. This week I have posted about the following. Please see original blog posts for full details.
The online shows that I discovered were:
Jay & Joss are advertising interactive zoom shows until this Sunday the 4th.
Ben Hart. I was aware that he was advertising socially distanced shows but has an online show as well that is being streamed on the 16th of October.
Keith Barry is now advertising tickets for his online show. 31st of October at 7pm GMT.
Vincenzo Ravina also continues to advertise online shows. The next one is on Friday the 9th of October.
Live show updates were:
Lxke Trix is advertising a new theatre show for the 6th of December. Also dates at the Brighton Fringe on the 22nd and 23rd of October.
Magicial Bones is performing at Nordon Farm Centre for the Arts in Maidenhead. 23rd of October.
