As my last set of interviews proved popular, when I had the opportunity to have a chat with Lxke Trix, I jumped at the chance.
I was already familiar with Lxke Trix (aka Luke Baker) as a talent who not only performs magic, he creates and sells effects and has his own magic shop.
Despite tough times for the industry, I used the opportunity to find out what he has been up to this year and his plans for the future.
*Please note that the Zoom show that this article refers to is now on sale here. The theatre show is available to book from here.

MagicSeats - Hi Luke and thanks for agreeing to have a chat. How are you doing and what have you been up to this year?
Lxke Trix - Hi. This year has definitely been eventful to say the least. All magicians have been screwed a bit and many have tried to find ways to combat the virus and still perform (for example online or garden parties).
Personally, it hasn't been a very busy year for me due to the pandemic and I didn't want to do either of these options so I have just been practicing, writing a lot of new material and hoping it will go back to some sort of normal in 2021.
MagicSeats - Good to hear you have been keeping busy writing. For anyone who is not familiar with your work, how would you describe your style of magic?
Lxke Trix - I would sum it up in 4 words as "stand up comedy magic" but with a twist! My act is comedy magic but recently I have been diving deep into my life and growing up and dealing with my adoption and writing all this into my act. But I would still class myself as a comedy magician who does storytelling too.

MagicSeats - Many magicians are focused on Zoom shows, you continue to organise live socially distanced shows in theatres, why is that?
Lxke Trix - I have taken on the virus my way by doing safe social distanced live shows. I did one in my garden limited to only 30 people and followed all the covid rules and laws. Now I am planning on touring for 2021 in theatres (socially distanced of course) and bringing back live entertainment slowly. I hope people will come out and watch and support it too. I’ve also just announced a new Zoom show which I am really excited about.
MagicSeats - What challenges have you faced and will continue to deal with for your live shows during the current pandemic?
Lxke Trix - Well it has been hard having to phone and sort out with all the venues how we are gonna change stuff, so we can go ahead with future shows. It's also been hard having to change my show and tricks so they apply with the rules and new laws too.

MagicSeats - What does the future hold for magic as a live art form, and what (if anything) needs to happen to ensure it thrives going forward?
Lxke Trix - Very interesting question this one. My honest answer is I really don't know. I hope this pandemic will calm down in 2021 and we can at least start to bring back live entertainment, social distanced and all that. But nobody really actually knows what's gonna happen. I think me and all entertainers are really just taking one day at a time at the moment.
MagicSeats - What’s your story. How did you get into magic?
Lxke Trix - I got into magic at the age of six after seeing a local magician perform a children's magic show at my local park. Since that day I have been hooked and I have developed my own skill set and show.
MagicSeats - Who were your inspirations and who inspires you today?
Lxke Trix - My inspirations in magic are very mixed to be honest with you. I look up to comedy magicians such as Pete Firman, Tommy Cooper and John Archer. But I also look up to more serious magicians like Peter Turner, Jon Allen, Chris Ramsey and Richard Turner. I also look up to a lot of stand up comedians like Lee Evans, Joel Dommett, Mark Watson, The Noise Next Door and Lee Mack.

MagicSeats - As an artist, I know you diversify with different aspects of your business which includes your shop and effects, what plans do you have for the future?
Lxke Trix - A lot of future plans are in the works. My main focus at the moment currently is touring my brand new one man stage show "Real Magic“, socially distanced in theatres all through 2021. I can't wait to get back out and perform that new stage show. Such for my online shop "magic hut" new products are on their way and will be launched early 2021!
MagicSeats - Thanks Lxke Trix for your time today. Good luck with your forthcoming tour dates and Zoom show.
Lxke Trix (aka Luke Baker) is currently advertising new shows, with tickets for his Eastbourne show now on sale here. Promo pic details also below.
To book his zoom show, tickets and details here.
Credit: Thanks also to the Leicester Magicians Network (LMN) who helped with suggesting some of the questions.
