Magic Seats has been bringing you a series of mini reviews all this last week.
MagicFest 2020 has been virtual this year with daily zoom shows over 5 days from Wednesday the 16th of December to yesterday (Sunday 20th). A very enjoyable experience.
The eighth show this week, to close the festival was “The Sky From This Window” with Vincent Gambini. It took place at 1900 GMT today (Sunday 20th).
A slightly more unusual show and taking proud position, closing the festival for 2020. A 15 minute show/narration over the phone.
I was not aware of Vincent Gambini prior to this show. His website can be viewed here.
An informative website that immediately gives the impression that as well as artistic, Vincent specialises in deconstructing magic.
The email prior to the show was clear. A magic presentation over the phone. You were advised to dial in early and make sure that you had a calculator and some paper handy.
I was curious as to what to expect. Would any magic actually take place? Would this just be a narration?
It felt like an usual show to close a festival. But I now understand why and will always remember this show/experience.
It was easy to join the show by phone and once connected, the experience started with a greeting, welcoming you to "The Sky From This Window" with atmospheric music and slightly spooky voice over by Vincent.
So with my headphones, paper and phone for calculator, I sat next to my window as instructed.
Vincent introduced himself and his narration and instructions were very clear. It was introduced as an impossible event for all to take part in.
A strangely mysterious but relaxing experience, listening and then following instructions.
All I can say is that the impossible event worked! Note sure how it did, but it worked.
As a spoiler-free review, if you get a chance to participate in this show in future, book a ticket.

Thanks to Vincent and MagicFest 2020 for an excellent close to this festival. A memorable end that I will remember.
To find out more about Vincent, visit his website here.
For more details about MagicFest 2020, visit their website here.
I will definitely be buying a pass again next year. Thank you to all the performers and organisers at MagicFest 2020.
I have one last review about the festival that will be published early next week. An overall review of the festival and my thoughts.
Thank you all. I hope that you have enjoyed the coverage.
