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Writer's pictureMartin Brophy

Magic Seats - New Look

Updated: Aug 11

As the Magic Seats website has been running close to 4.5 years, I like to update the site homepage and refresh the look every year.

Some small changes have been made in the past week to hopefully make the site look better and easier to promote different content.

I hope that you like the changes and I believe it looks particularly good on the desktop version. Mobile always presents challenges.

Other than a small revision to the logo, content is divided into more specific heading categories and the advertised posts displayed more concisely. This can be changed and updated as required to promote content. For example, a special IBM section temporarily exists in the run up to the convention in September.

Please do let me know what you think Always open to ideas and suggestions.


P.s.I am aware some older collectables pages have a few missing pictures. I am currently updating and have uploaded many new photos to replace any broken links. Important interviews and reviews that have broken links already been fixed.



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