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Magic Seats: Catch Up (Mar 2023)

Writer: Martin BrophyMartin Brophy

Hello and welcome to my latest blog post!

Apologies for the lack of updates over the last month. After BMC 23, I ended up with a chest infection which turned into Covid. What a nightmare that was and I ended up off work for a couple of weeks. Hence being a little quiet on the website/blog front.

It was quite horrible, so do keep safe and try to do everything you can to get Covid. It pretty much put everything on hold for a few weeks.

Originally I was also due to finally see the "An Evening of Deception" theatre show in late February. I was so looking forward to finally getting to see this show but of course being in bed, that put a stop to that. Hopefully maybe next year now!

Thankfully though I was still able to attend the Magical Bones tour and watch his performance in Leicester last weekend. I will not be reviewing this show as it had similarities to previous Magical Bones shows that I have reviewed. However, it was an excellent show and my wife and I were on the front row. This particular show also featured Mel, as the assistant.

I really enjoyed the show with a mix of card magic, close up and stage illusions. It was also a good opportunity for my wife to see Magical Bones perform. He was very popular and gained a standing ovation.

If you so get an opportunity to buy tickets and see this show/tour, I would recommend. Particularly if you have not seen him perform before.

On the Magic Seats website front, I will continue to complete some of the updates that I was carrying out pre covid. For starters, I need to upload all my selfies, signed card and collectibles gained from BMC 23. Some are already uploaded and added to the collectables page, so it needs completing.

One thing that I did have a chance to do was put together a poster that acts as a memento to remember all the great artists that I have been able to meet. Certainly BMC 23 helped me gain quite a few new opportunities to meet performers. A nice picture remembering all the meetings.

I also hope to have a review on the site soon of my latest book that I am reading - "Everything" by Jamie Allan. Of course, I have made slower progress reading the book than I would have hoped but should have an article up in April. Such a fantastic book.

Well, I think that brings us up to date. A slower month than I would have expected but hopefully April will be busier.

Looking forward to meeting up with Magician friends in April. And do look out for some more site updates soon.

Thanks all.

Martin (Magic Seats).




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