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Writer's pictureMartin Brophy

Cardistry (and Magic) Update 5

In my last post, I mentioned about the Blackpool Magic Convention that I booked tickets for. Obviously quite a wait for that still but I have been watching quite a lot of videos on YouTube from the 2020 convention that has been really interesting. I also found a group on FaceBook that I joined.

I am getting better at finding the time to practice with the cards more. I am also viewing the card course that I follow for beginners to intermediate and really enjoying the additional challenges. Just making sure I have cards at hand to practice as and when I can. I am also placing cards more strategically so different decks are around the house to pick up.

I have continued to work on the site and recently had the opportunity to interview a number of well known magicians. This was a pleasure and I need to thanks all those who contributed.

Thankfully the website is now pretty much how I envisaged so I can now just concentrate on the content and the blog. I have also been learning some tricks to automate certain functions for social media posts which saves me time.

I have been working on content so have lots coming up which has kept me busy. Lots of blog articles and vlogs already recorded.

So that I can start reviewing the playing cards designed by magicians, I have started looking at purchasing more cards by artists like DMC, Dynamo and Shin Lim. Previously I had reviewed Derren Brown decks and Neil Patrick Harris designed cards. Once ordered, I can then get on with reviewing the new decks and creating the new vlogs.


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