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Book Review Of “Spun Into Gold” By Romany Romany

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

I came across this book when reading an interview about Romany in “MagicSeen” magazine. As I am always interested in collectable items, the opportunity to buy a signed copy of the book was appealing. I was already familiar with Romany from her appearance on Penn & Teller: Fool us. A well known female magician who has been very successful.

I was interested in learning more about her as it is still quite unusual to have an international female magician with as many accolades. Romany is also a member of the Magic Circle and I thought that the purchase of the book could be an interesting read. Certainly other reviews indicated that this was good.

The book arrived very quickly after purchasing and I was impressed. Though soft-back, it was presently nicely and inscribed to me. Available in paperback and audio book (narrated by Romany) on Amazon or signed if you purchase directly from Romany via her website.

Romany - Diva Of Magic

The book is for anyone who has had a dream or interest in magic. It catalogues Romany’s determination to break into the entertainment industry. First as a dancer, then juggler and eventually magician. The book details Romany’s journey with honesty and humour. A memoir / auto biographical account of Romany’s career while attempting to find success.

The book is still relatively newly published with Romany taking time out in 2019 to write the book, prior to publishing in 2020. Romany reflects on her childhood with a strict Catholic upbringing and her dedication from a young age to pursue dance and theatre.

The book is engaging and quickly draws you in. Early in the book, chapters reminisce of her first trip to the theatre as a young girl, the support that her parents provided and her love of dancing hook you from the beginning to keep reading.

Romany talks you through her early inspiration for performing and creating her own show while living in Italy and travelling worldwide. Her business career in London, dancing and finding her way as a street performer.

“These days, I’ve learnt my lesson from those early years. I won’t promise you an act I can’t do, no matter how far in advance you book or how much you pay.“

Romany writing "Spun Into Gold"

Eventually, she comes to the realisation that she needed to listen to herself and not others to make herself happy. Before eventually making her first break into magic, Romany describes how she made sure that once she realised that are dreams were slipping away, how she took control. Her determination to make sure that her dreams of becoming a performer did not become a distant memory while suffering from anxiety and bulimia. The book documents her new beginning as Romany - "Diva of Magic". Charting the highs and lows and struggles to achieve her goals as a magician while staying in Las Vegas, watching FISM competitions and her big breaks and competition wins. The book closes after meeting Jonny, her partner, and gaining much work as a successful magician, accolades and much work which included cruise ships with lots of travel.

"Spun Into Gold" - front and back book cover

Romany often comments throughout the book on how she would deal with some of situations now, compared to her younger self. Like us all, we change, become more confident and sometimes look back and acknowledge that we may now deal with something differently, if only we could tell that to our younger selves at the time.

I was able to relate to aspects of her upbringing, religion and money struggles. An honest write up of her adventures and life lessons. Her enthusiasm and drive to follow a career and gain success is inspiring in a male dominated industry. A running theme throughout the book is her acute awareness that she had the eating disorder bulimia and this makes for an honest account of the effects it can have on anyone suffering.

The book is well written and enjoyable to read. You have to admire Romany's determination to succeed and tell a most interesting story. I highly recommend that you buy a copy, read and tell others. This book is for anyone who has any aspiration in life to succeed in their chosen field and follow their dreams. The tale of a successful female magician.

Romany - "Diva Of Magic"

Romany promotes her book via the websites and social media below. She also actively searches for her million golden readers. Encouraging all that enjoy her book to let others know.

"Do more of what makes you happy".

Available in paperback and audio book on Amazon or signed if you purchase directly from Romany via her website.

My signed copy of the book.


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