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"Some of the magic books that I own."

Allan Zola Kronzek - Grandpa Magic
This book appeared fun with good illustrations and artwork.
The book promises to teach you 116 easy tricks, stunts and brain teasers.
Appeared to be ideal for a book that you can pick up and quickly browse to gain ideas.
Purchased from merchant of magic in the UK.
Purchased: May 2021
Year Published: 2018
Edition: 2018 UK

Andi Gladwin - The Boy Who Cried Magic
A lovely book that is bound within a hardback red sleeve. Fantastically presented and an amazing looking book.
Also comes in a limited edition with playing cards. Though you can also buy the playing cards separately.
This book contains 16 routines and sleights.
Purchased: Dec 2021
Year Published: 2021
Edition: 2021 UK

Anthony Norman - Basic Card Technique
This book was a recommended purchase by other magicians that I know.
A useful book to refer to while practicing magic on my pad.
This wonderfully illustrated book has twenty chapters filled with card moves, forcing, palming, false cuts, etc. Here are just some of the sleights taught: The Pass, False Cuts, False Counts, The Double Lift, Top Change, Forcing, Bottom Change, Glimpses, Flourishing, Palming, etc. Learn the right way to do these sleights. Anthony Norman also covers subjects such as color changes, mentalism effects, presentation and how to get the most out of your magic. There are literally hundreds of moves, tricks, sleights, flourishes, and methods of forcing within the pages of this book. Available from Amazon here.
First Year of Copyright: 1964 and then 1984

Barry Murray - Paul Daniels Adult Magic
This is the hard back edition.
While second hand, didn't realise at time of purchase that it was an old library edition.
Not in the best condition and still has library stamps and plastic covering.
Not read yet and if any good, may need to source a replacement.
Purchased: March 2021
Year Published: 1989 (UK)
Edition: Revised edition 1989

Ben Hart- The Darkest Corners
A fantastic and very well presented book by Neil Kelso, that presents the work of Ben Hart, focussing on his magic effects.
While I was originally given this book as a Christmas present in 2021, I have since been able to get it signed. After a Ben Hart show, I was able to get the book signed by not only Ben, but also Neil.
The book goes into a lot of detail, with excellent supporting text and pictures. Very lucky to own this book, and now signed!
Purchased: Dec 2021
Year Published: 2020
Edition: 2020 UK

David Blaine - Mysterious Stranger
I managed to get a copy of this book second hand. A first edition print run from 2002. Generally in excellent condition, hard back with dust cover. Illustrated throughout and part history and part autobiographical.
From the first profound illusions on the pages of the book, through the history of magic and the secrets of the legendary masters, to ways in which we can play with reality (mind-reading, bar tricks, card game tips, hoaxes, pranks and bets you can't lose), David Blaine draws the reader into his world of curiosities. Learn the power of your own mind and see the world differently. This is the man who has such control over his body that he survived being buried alive for 6 days on Manhattan's Upper West Side, and encased in ice for 3 days in Good Morning America's Times Square studio, watched by the world on television. Available here.
Year Published: 2002
Edition: First

Derren Brown - Books - Confessions of a Conjuror and Tricks of the Mind
Both of these books are brand news hardbacks and sealed.
I will open once I get to them to read. Lovely presented books. Especially the "Confessions" book which has my favourite design. This book explores inside of Derren Brown's head is a strange and mysterious place. Now you can climb inside and wander around. Find out just how Derren's mind works, see what motivates him and discover what made him the weird and wonderful person he is today.
Tricks of the Mind takes you on a journey into the structure and pyschology of magic. Derren teaches you how to read clues in people's behaviour and spot liars. He discusses the whys and wherefores of hypnosis and shows how to do it. And he investigates the power of suggestion and how you can massively improve your memory.
Year Published: Confessions 2010, Trick 2006/07
Edition: TBA

Dynamo - The Book Of Secrets
This book was a Christmas present for 2020. Not yet read or browsed through but as soon as I do, I will update this write up with my thoughts.
Available on Amazon here. In this fully illustrated guide to modern magic, Dynamo shows you how you can perform magic yourself. Learn how to make water freeze instantly, read your friends' minds, make chewing gum float 360 degrees around your head, slice a banana without even touching it, discover superhuman strength and many more mind-blowing illusions.
The Book of Secrets will be the first step on an exciting journey for budding magicians, providing hours of breathtaking fun for all the family.
Year Published: 2017
Edition: First

Henry Ridgely Evans - The Old & The New Magic
Ordered from collectingmagicbooks.com
The item arrived in time and well packaged.
A lovely reproduction of the original book and at a reasonable cost.
The Old and The New Magic is a remarkable conjuring text. Written by the magic historian Henry Ridgely Evans at the height of magic’s golden age, it was one of the most ambitious books of the time published on the history of magic. It provides an amazing insight into how magicians and magic history were viewed in the first decade of the twentieth century.
Acquired: June 2021

Ian Frisch - Magic Is Dead
This is my current read as I work through updating this page in January 2021.
"Magic Is Dead" is the mantra of a secret society of magicians, of which Ramsay is a member. They call themselves the52. A family of misfits bonded by troubled pasts and a passion for illusion, mystery, and casting aside the tired clichés of magic that are so prevalent, the52 has two goals--to keep their qualifications for membership in the shadows, and to transform the art form that the members revere. With Ramsay as his guide, Ian attends private gatherings; meets the masters in the field like Penn Jillette, Dynamo, and David Blaine; and is invited into the inner sanctum of a world he never knew existed. Forming close bonds with the founders, Laura London and Daniel Madison, he is welcomed into the group, if puzzled as to why. And when he is invited to become the most unlikely member, his initial goal of writing a great story is replaced by something far more personal. On Amazon here.
Published: 2019

Jake Banfield - Magic Tricks With Coins, Cards And Everyday Objects
A useful book that I used to start learning tricks with coins. Having purchased some palming coins, this book is handy for coin basics such as vanishing methods and reproduction of coins. Also details a number of routines.
The book is also handy for an introduction into card magic, mentalism and magic with everyday objects.
The book is nicely illustrated with lots of pictures to follow routines. While aimed at a younger audience, it is of course great for beginners and amateur magicians. Buy from Amazon here.
Year Published: 2016 (UK)
Edition: Reprint

John Fisher - Paul Daniels and the Story of Magic
A hard back edition that was gifted to me by my wife.
John Fisher was the producer of "The Paul Daniels Magic Show" and is also a gold star member of the Inner Magic Circle.
A recognised authority on Magic. TV producer, magician, writer, solictor etc. Multi talented and associated with many top television shows on IMDB.
Known for working with Tommy Cooper also.
Purchased: March 2021
Year Published: 1987 (UK)
Edition: N/A

Joshua Jay - Magic The Complete Course
This book is aimed at beginners. Nicely illustrated with many photos.
Joshua Jay's "Magic" is a complete course, jam-packed with over a hundred amazing but easy-to-learn effects. Much more than a collection of tricks, this book teaches both the mechanics and presentation necessary to perform each trick - since only a mastery of both (plus a lot of practice) makes a real magician. In "Magic", the performance scripts are topical (so you can transition seamlessly from a real conversation into a trick), the props are familiar (often right in front of you), and the magic is unbelievable (leaving your audience perfectly flabbergasted). Chapters cover a wide-range of scenarios in which you will learn to make money appear, predict thoughts and phone numbers, control a participant's decision, and demonstrate superhuman memory. On Amazon here.
Year Published: 2008 (UK)
Edition: Reprint

Karl Fulves - Self-Working Card Tricks
This book was recommended to me. Another book that is handy to have nearby when I practice with my cards.
Official book write up describes the book as follows:
72 spectacular and entertaining tricks: card locations, coincidence tricks, mental magic with cards, tricks with double endings, tricks with two decks, predictions, tricks with borrowed decks, trick poker deals. Easy-to-learn, clearly illustrated, these tricks produce spectacular effects with a minimum of practice. 42 illustrations.
On Amazon here.
Year Published: 1977 (UK)
Edition: 2019

Karl Fulves - Self-Working Coin Magic
This is the latest purchase as of January 2021. The Karl Fulves books are handy to reach and quick for gaining information.
Clearly worded instructions and 251 illustrations show beginning as well as veteran conjurers how to pluck a seemingly endless number of coins from the air, make a coin penetrate a tabletop, and perform psychic tricks with coins and bills.
No previous experience is necessary to perform these tricks and apart from the required currency, most call for nothing more than a few easy-to-find items (tabletop, cup, handkerchief, playing cards, etc.). Almost all can be mastered in a short time. On Amazon here.
Year Published: 2012 (UK)
Edition: TBC

Karl Fulves - Self-Working Rope Magic
I bought this book to support a workshop that I was attending, along with the rope necessary to practice.
The workshop that I attended was run by the Leicester Magicians Network founding member Ian Gamage.
After a brief introduction and a section devoted to acquiring and preparing the proper ropes, Karl Fulves begins the book by introducing rope tricks based on simple overhand knots, slip knots and square knots. These are followed by such tricks as the "Vishnu Rope Mystery" and the "Hindu Turban Mystery" in the chapter entitled "Cut-and-Restored Rope." In "Ropes That Think" he demonstrates such fascinating maneuvers as "Liar's Ropes" and "Séance." You'll also learn how to do a one-hand figure eight, perform a "double-ring ceremony" and make an endless chain. On Amazon here.
Year Published: 1990 (UK)
Edition: 2019

Mark Wilson - Complete Course In Magic
This is the paperback version and is massive.
The bible of all magicians. which covers all aspects of magic and is over 500 pages.
The most comprehensive guide for magic reference availlable.
This is going to get well used and enjoyable just to pick up ans see ehat you can find. Rope, coins, cards... it is all in here.
Purchased: March 2021
Year Published: 1975 (UK)
Edition: Revised edition 2003

Michael E. Johnson - Playing Cards Autographed by Magicians
This is a paperback book about the size of A4.
A really nice reference guide of signed autographs of magicians. 192 signed playing cards that are pictured in colour.
While some UK magicians, it should be remembered that this book is quite US orientated. As first published in 2012, it does not of course include more recent artists who have gained success.
Purchased: May 2021
Year Published: 2012 (UK)
Edition: 2012

Morgan and West - Parlour Magic
A lovely book that can be quite difficult to get hold of.
Bound in a green hardback cover with gold writing.
An amazing book which details all of their parlour magic show with supporting chapters.
I was lucky to attend one of their lectures, so pleased that I now also have this book. With the book you get the opportunity to watch the full Parlour magic show online.
In Feb of 2022, I was also able to go to a Morgan and West show and I was able to get the book signed. Very luck to get this dedicated to me. See other entry in signed books section.
Purchased: Dec 2021
Year Published: 2020
Edition: First

Paul Daniels - Magic Annual
This annual was on e-bay and is immaculate.
While printed in 1982, I presume that it was intended to be the 1983 annual.
I don't think that I owned this one as a kid, but I do recognise the cover of one of the other annuals possible for 1982 that I owned and will need to buy at some point when I find a good edition.
Purchased: May 2021
Year Published: 1982 (UK)
Edition: N/A

Paul Daniels - My Magic Life
This is the paperback autobiography by Paul Daniels.
A birthday gift which I am yet to read.
Once read, will add more to this write up.
"In his day, Paul Daniels was the most famous magician in the world. His feats of illusion earned him the highest honours the magic world could award, and his astonishing talent brought him worldwide recognition and admiration that will long outlive him."
Purchased: March 2021
Year Published: 2016 (UK)
Edition: N/A

Richard Kaufman - Tenyo-ism
This is an extremely rare standard edition of the two set volumes of Tenyo-ism by Richard Kaufman. 1000 first editions, 900 sold as standard editions and then another 100 as deluxe editions with lots of extras.
Originally sold for 250US$ plus shipping and now exchanging for a lot more as very collectable. I do love Tenyo and while I have no intention of collecting the entire series of releases, these books will act as a good source of reference documenting releases until 2015.
This edition is in near enough in perfect condition and is a great addition to my collection. I will make sure in future that I don't miss out on some of the Kaufman books and buy when still available.
Purchased: January 2024 - sourced from CollectingMagicBooks.com
Year Published: 2015
Edition: First edition

Tony Middleton - Performing Magic
This is a really nice hard back book by Tony Middleton.
Over 280 pages and a very comprehensive book giving advice about all aspects of performance.
I have just started to read through and arrived in a sealed plastic.
On Amazon here.
Purchased: March 2021
Year Published: 2011 (UK)
Edition: First Edition