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"Some of the amazing artists that I have met and gained signed items from or acquired online".

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Ehrlich Brothers - Signed Photo Card

This is a really nice signed photo card.

In excellent condition but quite small in size and no bigger than 4" by 6".

Signed by both brothers in gold.  In excellent condition.

Acquired from Germany via e-bay.

Acquired:  October 2021


Elizabeth - Signed Playing Card

After watching Elizabeth perform at the Evolution of magic: Glitch show, I was able to get a signed card and selfie. 

An excellent show and nice opportunity to meet Elizabeth and have a brief chat. 


Acquired:  July 2022


Elliot Bibby- Signed Card

This is a really nice promo card that advertises Elliot Bibby with his website contacts.

I received this as a surprise and had a nice message from Elliot.

A great addition to my collection.

I have been lucky to watch Elliot on Zoom for a couple or shows and interview him.  Hopefully I will get to see him perform live at some point.

Received:  March 2021

Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 20.34.14.png

Elliot Bibby - Signed "The Bibby Bottle Opener"

After watching a few Zoom shows and even interviewing Elliot for this site, I finally got to meet him at BMC 2023.

While I have a signed playing card, I purchased this effect from Elliot and managed to get it signed. 

A nice addition to my collection that has also gained some nice reviews.

February 2023


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Elliot Bibby - Signed Playing Card

I have had the opportunity to view Elliot's online show a couple of times. 


I have worked within him on a couple of show reviews and also an interview.


In March 2021, I was able to gain a signed card which is a great collectable.


A signed note from Elliot also came with the card which is also an excellent memento.


An amazing artist that I hope to see before live after lockdown eases.


Acquired:  March 2021 

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Eric Chien - Signed & Sealed Magic Pad Cloth

During BMC 2023, Eric was demonstrating his effects on his stall. Great to see him perform close up and to watch him perform at the Gala show. 

As a memento, I was able to buy the cloth he uses to cover magic pads.

February 2023


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Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Signed Posters

Two signed limited edition posters, both signed by Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride.

In 2006 and 2009, world famous magicians Jeff McBride and Eugene Burger staged an intimate evening of Las Vegas style magic for the magic and mystery school in Cornwall.


Released:  March 2006 and April 2009

Edition: Limited to 30 per poster.  Signed by Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride

Message: No message"

Size:  A4

Purchased: Ebay - March 2021


Fay Presto - Signed Magic Circle Cover of The Invisible Man

While I have all these 5 stamps by the Royal Mail as part of a special cover, some individual signed covers were issued.  This one is signed by Fay Presto.  The reverse of the envelope has a signed Benham certificate confirming that only 500 were signed and that this was number 25 by Fay Presto.  

Issued on the 15th of March 2005 for the Centenary of the Magic Circle.  

5 stamps that trace the tricks of the trade back to the start of the last century.

Celebrating in 1905 when 23 magicians came together at Pinoli's restaurant in London to form the Magic Circle.

Acquired:  May 2021


Fay Presto - Signed Playing Card

I have been lucky enough to meet Fay Presto a couple of times. The first occasion I witnessed some magic/close up and the second time to have a longer chat. 

A lovely lady who was very chatty and ready to impart knowledge. While I already had Fay's signature on a postal first day cover for the Magic Circle, I was able to get this signed card in person. 

Possibly one of my favourite famous signatures with the top hat!. Thank you Fay.


Acquired:  November 2022


Fay Presto Lecture Notes

Improved picture coming soon.

After attending the Fay Presto lecture at the Magic Circle which was amazing, Fay was selling her notes. 

Certainly a lot of interest in buying the Fay Presto "Performers Workshop manual" in the style of a Haynes car manual. Fay being a bit of a lover of cars.

The thing that strikes my about these notes is the care and attention to detail as it is nice to have a detailed auto biographical section as well.

The book is inscribed by Fay with a message to me along with he classic Fay signature that includes a top hat design.

Photo:  TMC 2023 Convention on 30-Jul-2023


Geoffrey Durham - Signed Photo Card

95% of my autographs are sourced wither directly from artists or have come with signed Certificate of Authenticity.

This was an e-bay purchase which looks authentic though I cannot be 100% sure.  Was a low price so bought it.

It looks authenticate on examination and cant think why anyone would want to fake as cost was low.  Fingers crossed!

Received/Purchase :  April 2021


Hans Klok - Signed Photo Card

A really nice prurchase of a signed photo of hans Klok.

Purchased via e-Bay from Germany.

Actual signed photo.  In excellent condition.

Acquired:  October 2021


Harapan Ong - "The Four Treasures" Signed Book

In March 2021, I had the opportunity to join Harapan for an online pro-lecture.

He talked through various effects that included some that were part of his "The Four Treasures" book.

The lecture was excellent and took place on a Sunday afternoon in April 2021 as Harapan is based in Singapore.  

The book and signed editions are available on here.

Acquired:  May 2021


Harry Corbett - Pre-printed Photo & Signed Autograph

Harry Corbett was of course the first creator and puppeteer of Sooty.


I was able to acquire a preprinted signed photo along with an original signature signed by Harry which appears to have been removed from a autograph signature book.


This is a pleasing signature to own as I now have all three presenters who have worked with Sooty and Sweep.  



Acquired:  April 2022


Harry Nardi Signed Playing Card

Harry had appeared on BGT a few years back. I was mainly aware of him due to his online content. 

Harry produces many online videos that are enjoyable to watch and showcase products that are sold a Alakazam Magic. What a fantastic job that he has.

While at the House of Secrets in Blackpool, I was able to meet Harry and his dad Peter, who owns Alakazam. 

Acquired: February 2023


James Freedman - Signed £100 Note

A good quality prop £100 note for use in performances by magician/pickpocket James Freedman.

Signed in matching permanent marker.

A very nice addition to my collection of signatures.  

Billed as the worlds number one pickpocket.

Acquired:  July 2021


Jamie Allan Signed Playing Card

I have always followed Jamie Allan, the iMagician and his work. As he works mainly overseas, it is difficult to see him perform in the UK.


I was able to meet Jamie when purchasing a copy of his new book "Everything".  I managed to set a signed first edition with certificate. And while collecting the book, I was able to get a selfie and this signed card for my collection. 


An interesting performer who I would watch his iMagician live on TV. During the BMC, I was able to watch his lecture as well which was really enlightening. 

Acquired: February 2023


Jamie Raven - Signed Note

Jamie used these notes originally during his Britains Got Talent performances.

During his tour in 2018, you could buy these for £5 and get Jamie to sign.

At the time I was collecting items so passed on the opportunity.  Therefore, has cost a little more via e-bay to acquire one.

A nice collectable.

Acquired:  October 2021


Jay & Joss Signed Poster

Jay & Joss were advertising Zoom shows in the October 2020.

They offered a package of a ticket and a signed poster.  As A5 in size, the picture arrived in a plastic wallet and is signed in gold by both performers.

A nice souvenir of the show which I also reviewed for this site.

Released:  October 2020.

Edition: Signed by Jay & Joss (Jamie Docherty and Lewis Joss).

Message: N/A.

Size:  A5

Purchased: Received as part of a ticket package for an online show in 2020.


Jay Fortune Print of Houdini

This is a limited edition signed print by Jay Fortune. Magician and artist.


It is A4 is size and a high quality print.


Will definitely be getting this in a frame.











Purchased:  Dec 2021


Kane & Abel - Signed Playing Card

Having followed the careers of Kane & Abel for many years now and having previously reviewed their Zoom shows, it was so nice to get to finally meet them in person. I was able to see a couple of their shows live while cruising and chat with them.

I was really impressed with them as performers as very entertaining to watch and it was so good seeing them thrive in the cruise market and gaining lots or regular work. 

As well as the signed card, I made sure that I got a selfie as well. Very interesting opportunities for talking magic with both the brothers. 

Acquired: In person on P&O Arvia 

Date: May 2024


Joel M - Signed Playing Card

Meeting Joel M, gaining selfies and a signed playing card was a memorable highlight for me when collecting signed cards. 

Joel M was very pleasant and chatty and I will always remember that. Such. an outgoing and friendly bloke. Just like he is on the tv.

I had know of Joel M for a number of years and had watched his various TV shows. I also own a signed copy of his book. However, this signature is special as gained in person. 

Joel M was with Tom Elderfield when I met him who he has worked with. 


Acquired:  February 2023


Joel M - "Make Your Own Magic"

I was aware of Joel M due to his TV magic shows on the BBC and Sky.  Though I know that he is famed for being a Tik Tok artist as well.

This signed copy of the book was acquired via Waterstones.  

A really nicely presented book and great signature.  

Acquired:  November 2021


John Archer - Signed Playing Card

Collecting signed playing cards in person from performers has become very addictive. 

To meet John and gain this signed playing card was a massive highlight for me.

I am very proud of this particular addition to my collection, which is currently on display in my office. 

John kindly signed this card mid interval during a performance as part of the E-Treme Magic tour in 2022. 

His performance on the night was also amazing and very funny. 


Acquired:  October 2022


John Archer - Signed Photo Card

Having worked with John on an interview for this site, the opportunity to gain a signed photo was always going to be high on the agenda.

This was a fantastic surprise when I received this signed photo from John, inscribed "Happy Birthday Martin".

The picture is a really decent size and would be ideal to hang up framed in my office.  

A great addition to my collection.

Received:  March 2021


John Styles - Signed Magic Circle Cover of Carter The Great

While I have all these 5 stamps by the Royal Mail as part of a special cover, some individual signed covers were issued.  This one is signed by John Styles.  The reverse of the envelope has a signed Benham certificate confirming that only 500 were signed.

Issued on the 15th of March 2005 for the Centenary of the Magic Circle.  

5 stamps that trace the tricks of the trade back to the start of the last century.

Celebrating in 1905 when 23 magicians came together at Pinoli's restaurant in London to form the Magic Circle.

Acquired:  October 2021


Joshua Jay- "How Magicians Think" Signed Book

I had been after this book for a while and had added to my kindle list to read. Of course, I wanted a sign copy and always keep out an eye.

I was lucky to come across this edition with a signed book plate. A great addition to my collection.

This book is a must for magicians, detailing their minds and their abilities to think creatively.

Purchased from e-Bay for a reasonable cost.

Acquired:  February 2022


Justin Willman Signed "Magic For Humans At Home" Poster

During lock down, Justin Willman has performed a few different "Magic For Humans At Home" shows via Zoom.

The original show in 2020, followed by a Halloween and Christmas edition.  A new version of the show with new material is now out for 2021.  

Having watched Justin via Zoom on a few occasions, it made sense to get this poster to add to my collection.  

Released:  2020.

Edition: Signed by Justin Willman.

Message: "To Martin!  All the Best!"

Size:  A3 approx

Purchased: May 2021 via Justin's online webs store.


Justin Willman Signed "Magic In Real Life Tour" Poster

This was one of two posters available to purchase from Justin's online store.  This particular post was for a tour within the US between 2019 and 2020 that of course got cut short due to Covid.

As a fan of Justin, watching his Netflix and online shows, I had to buy this artwork which is fantastic.  While it will be initially stored in an A1 art folio, it would be good to get this one framed eventually.

Released:  2019.

Edition: Signed by Justin Willman.

Message: "To Martin"

Size:  A1 approx

Purchased: May 2021 via Justin's online webs store.


Katherine Rhodes Signed Playing Card 

While very familiar with Katherine and her work, I was able to have a brief chat this month. 

Of course, grabbed the opportunity for a signed playing card. Thank you Katherine. 

Acquired:  November 2021


Kovari Signed Playing Card 

Sourced via ebay.

Nice addition to my collection and in very good condition.

It has been very well looked after and of course can tell it is an older item due to manner in which playing card is printed/aged. 


Very nice collectable to own.


Purchased:  October 2021


Lance Burton - Signed Photo

A very nice picture that is about A5 in size.

Very good condition and signed.

Sourced directly from Lance Burton by an e-bay seller.

Acquired:  October 2021


Lee Hathaway Signed Playing Card

Lee made an appearance on the Penn & Teller: Fool us show when it was recorded in the UK. 

Lee is a member of the council within The Magic Circle. I previously had the opportunity to chat to Lee about a year ago and then saw him at this years TMC convention. 

I grabbed the opportunity to have a selfie and had a laugh with him. I also managed to get a signed playing card which was really nice of him.

Another performer that I hope to see entertain live at some point.

Photo:  TMC 2023 Convention on 30-Jul-2023


Laura London Signed Playing Card

I was able to purchase a limited edition signed deck of the new Midnights playing cards.  Created by Jez Rose to raise money for the charity Breathe Arts Health research. This card being signed by Laura London.

As I purchased this to help funding prior to printing, I was able to purchase an edition limited to 60. The deck comes with a variety of signed cards which also includes Dynamo. I am still trying to work out many of the signatures.

To buy a standard deck of cards, and help this charity, use the link below.

Acquired:  October 2022


Lewis Fuller Signed Playing Card

While eating lunch at the Wesley Hotel in London, by chance I noticed Lewis Fuller who was attending the same convention as me. Lewis appeared on this years BGT with his singing and magic act.

As well as the selfie, I was able to gain a signed playing card for my collection which is written to me with a nice message. 

Lewis was with a few other magicians who I also got to speak with. 

After his BGT exposure, I am sure that big things are ahead for Lewis. 

Photo:  TMC 2023 Convention on 30-Jul-2023


LMN Show Poster - Signed

I am very proud of this particular poster as I actually designed it.

Created to promote the LMN show "Magic Spectacular". Autographed by all the artists involved with the show. David Leeson, Scot Jerram, Ian Gamage, Shae Gathercole, Adam Edgeley (as Rich Long), Pete Whitmore and myself, Martin Brophy. 

Of 25 printed copies, only 7 were completely signed by all involved. My signed copy is on my office wall. Looks very smart. 

Released:  2022.

Edition: 1 of 25 posters. And just 7 signed by all performers and those involved with show.

Message: No message

Size:  A3 approx

Acquired: Designed by Magic Seats (Martin Brophy) and printed in Aug 2022.


LMN Members 2021 Signed Playing Cards 

I am a member of the Leicester Magicians Network.

In November 2021, I seized the opportunity to gain lots of signed playing cards from members.  

A few of the members are missing but the cards include:  Adam Edgeley, Ian Gamage, Pete Whitmore, Scot Jerram, David Leeson, John Constantine, Liam Keily, Paul Furlong, Shae Gathercole and Thomas Pedrals.

A few missing members so sure I will gain their signed cards in future.

Acquired:  November 2021


Lxke Trix Signed Playing Card 

This card was signed by Luke Baker aka Lxke Trix.

Having worked with Luke on interviews for this site and purchasing products from his Magic Hut shop, I received this signed card in August/September 2020.

Inscribed as "To Martin, thanks for all your support, from Luke" on a red Bicycle card.

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